How do you get men to check their balls?

7th June 2022

Despite Testicular Cancer being the most commonly diagnosed cancer for young men in the UK, the serious ball-talk remains quiet. Fortunately, testicular cancer is 98% curable if you catch it early, which is why we’ve teamed up with Wasps to talk balls (and we don’t mean Rugby).

It’s common for men to be closed doors when it comes to medical examinations. About 45% of men said they never or rarely examine themselves for testicular cancer, and almost half of all men didn’t know the importance of self-examination or didn’t take the notion of one seriously. But HDY found the key. 

It’s no secret that humour is a great way to open up tricky conversations and challenge taboos, so a light, funny approach was our route in. 

In support of Testicular Cancer Awareness month, the Wasps Rugby team have kicked off their kit and gotten down to business, all for a good cause. Encouraging young men to check their balls, the Wasps are leading by example, sharing the importance of checking your balls once a month to stay aware of any changes.

How often do you check your nuts?

You should check your balls at least once a month for lumps or swellings. It’s best to check your balls when you are warm and standing up, so the shower is often the perfect place.

How do you check your balls?

Need a little guidance? That’s fine! Roughly 68% of men do not know how to check themselves for testicular cancer.

Take a look at this how-to guide on how to correctly #CheckYourBalls